
I have some trick questions I need answered. Help?

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1 : Where in the body is the sense of self posited?

2: Are all things one? If so, how?

3: Is Awakening a "state" of body or mind or consciousness?




  1. Brain/ right or left I am not sure. This is true of me,some people it is the a**.

    In binary code they are either 1 or 2.

    A play on Broadway -go see it it is good

  2. I have a trick answer for you in the form of some trick questions. When are you wrong but not wrong at all? When are you right but still wrong? When are you positively wrong but still right? When are you positively right but still wrong?

    1. By definition, according to most people it would be in the brain, but that is true only if our thoughts do not exist without our brains. If we are souls with bodies, and I would argue that is true, then by definition our thoughts exist independent of our brains. If one has a mirror that is reflecting light, does the light cease to exist when the mirror is broken?

    2. If all things are made of subatomic particles, or even some as-yet-undiscovered even more basic substance or energy state or type of energy, then the substance of our bodies is the same as that both of the stars and the rocks around us, and that breakfast we ate this morning. If we are born, live and then die, only for the substance that is us to become part of a tree, are we that tree, or is that tree us? If our thoughts are the same "substance" as the thoughts of everyone else, could we not just as well argue that our thoughts are one with other's thoughts?

    3. Yes. (You did ask for a smart-assed answer.)


    When something is true for you, but it is not true for anyone else and they therefore declare it is not true for you either and at least in that given situation they have more power than you, or when you recognize a universal truth but no one else has.

    When you are sitting on the other side of the fence.

    i may make the last two the subject of some future question. If you are available by email and so desire, I will let you know.

  3. sense of self isn't sited anywhere. It's a behaviour mechanism that matures in most people between 3 and 5 years.

    Things are what you define them to be.

    Awakening (from sleep) is a complex system where the functioning of the brain changes, which in turn brings about a change in conscious state. So awakening is a state of all 3.

  4. You can have a viewpoint, but that isn't your being.

    There is nowhere you leave off and God begins and vice versa.

    Awake is your identity.

  5. Awakening = revelation and it comes from the spirit. All things are one if you believe in Jesus Christ, and accept him as your savior.  Self = evil That's why we die to Jesus Christ. There maybe some controversy about this fact, but it is true.

  6. 1. For this, answer this question: where does the sweetness lies in a piece of sugar candy?

    2. Can you tell that you are dreaming while you are really dreaming? You tell that only when you are awake, isn't it?

    3. Awakening is your real nature.

  7. The sense of self is in the mind

    All things are one with God

    Awakening is the state of recognition and acceptance in the heart!

  8. 1. My favorite shirt is part of my self. I am not limited to my body.

    2. Richard Feynman called up  Mitchell Feigenbaum  and said "I figured out why every electron in the universe is the same size. It's because they are the same one!"

    3. Waking up is a bodily function. Awakening (having a change of consciousness experience) is mental and emotional and having brain waves is being conscious, mostly.

  9. #-1-

    Nothing is experinced out side of mind.


    "P.1227 - §7 The concept of the personality as the meaning of the whole of the living and functioning creature means much more than the integration of relationships; it signifies the unification of all factors of reality as well as co-ordination of relationships. Relationships exist between two objects, but three or more objects eventuate a system, and such a system is much more than just an enlarged or complex relationship. This distinction is vital, for in a cosmic system the individual members are not connected with each other except in relation to the whole and through the individuality of the whole."

    #-3-  All of the above for with ethical awakening only ethical consciousness can unmask the immorality of human intolerance and the sinfulness of fratricidal strife. Only a moral conscience can condemn the evils of national envy and racial jealousy. Only moral beings will ever seek for that spiritual insight which is essential to living the golden rule.

  10. 1: Anywhere you want it to be. It can even be outside the body.

    Personally, I project my ego into the middle of the air.

    2. "everyone belongs to everyone else". Actually, that's from Brave new world, I don't think it's true though.

    3. Mind.

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