
I have some weird numbness.?

by  |  earlier

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It occurs from my elbow down to my fingers, and from my knees to my feet. It feels like my arm is half asleep, but not fully, and i figure it is from lowered blood flow. Does anyone know why this is happening? It isn't the normal type blood flow loss. It happens from slight pressure, or the slightest awkward positioning. It doesn't go away either. I am 17 years old. I have recently stopped exercising as much as i used to, might this be the cause? Ran a half marathon two weeks ago, but haven't run since.




  1. If you have numbness you should consult your physician , I don't think anyone can give you a proper prognosis on your situation . It may be because of stress or high blood pressure . Who knows see your physician at once . Good luck and have a great day .

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