
I have some year old library books, does anyone what the fees will be?

by  |  earlier

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After a month i was embarrassed to return them.

And i just let the month's pass .. and now i can't call and find out how much i owe out of embarrassment.

I'm in Cali.




  1. It shouldnt be to much if its the public library...

  2. Just return them in the drop box outside if they have one.  Then next time you go in to check something out, they will just tell you how much of a fine is on your account.  Here in WI it is 5 cents a day late.  Also be careful because here now too if you have outstanding fines with anything of the city, county, etc. it will be reported to the DMV so when you go to renew your license or ID it will show up.

  3. Our library maxes out fines at $10 per book for fines or replacement and processing costs if the book is not returned.  I would get them returned ASAP.  If your library goes to a collection agency then you will be credit reported.  

    If nothing else put them in the drop box and get the bulk of the cost off your card.  Then you will get a bill telling you how much you owe.  It's also rude to keep the books.

  4. I have got an idea, give the books to someone you dont like and let them deal with it...

  5. For my library in New lenox Il i think its about 5 or 10 cents a day..... call the library they wouldn't mind helping. And you Dont have to be embarrassed, it happens all the time!

  6. At our library its 10 cents a day but the maximum fine is $1 per book, so not too bad really.

  7. at my library they have it that you dont ever have to pay more than 20 dollars. thats the limit on library fees. but until u pay at all of it (up to as much as 5 dollars left) u cant check out books. i had fees for books that went to 20 and i didtn pay it til just this past month. (These fees were from 6 years ago) anyway yea. call and ask.

  8. i live in MN and i had the same problem! all i did was wait until Amnesty week.. which is where you can return a book and not have to pay the fee. i just dropped it off in the book return and i was good to go!

  9. there's no need to be embarrassed! its about 5 or 10 cents per day.please return it!do the right thing!

  10. My library has a web site and you can use the id # on your card to log in and request books, see your account, etc...try checking that out for your library and save yourself the anxiety!  :)

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