
I have something in my eye and it wont come out?

by  |  earlier

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i have a piece of dust or something in eye and it wont come out. it's been in there for like an hour and ive tried everything! i threw water in my eye, took a shower, and a lot of other things. how can i get it out?




  1. If you cannot see anything in there and cannot wash it out, more likely than not, the 'foreign body' feeling you have isn't actually caused by something still in your eye, but that object (now washed away) scratching the surface of your eye.

    This can be serious, and equally (with care) it can be nothing at all. Regardless, you must make an urgent appointment with an ophthalmologist in the morning. Do not keep flushing your eye if you cannot see any visible debris- it'll only disrupt your natural tears and serve to irritate your eye further.

  2. Pull your upper eyelid over your lower one and let it go, look down and blink rapidly, or dab the whites of your eye with the corner of a tissue where you think the object is.

    If none of that works, give it a day or two. It should go away. If it doesn't or your eye becomes severely red or painful, go to the doctor and have them check it out. Most likely they will just flush your eye out with some cleaning stuff or water, which takes probably 5 minutes. It's no big deal.

    But like I said, give it a while to come out on it's own. Sleep on it, and in the morning it should be gone.

  3. You could watch tv, and try to ignore it. It will go away eventually. If it is really bothering you though, you should open up your eyelids and search for it. and then very very gently, take it off with your index finger.

    However, it might just be something in your eyelashes. Clean those before you look in your eye.

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