
I have something to confess to something thats been bothering me... do you think it was wrong?

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I've been a vegetarian for 8 years since I was 9. the other night I woke up from a nap hungry for some meat... I never craved it before. I couldn't help it. I went to the store and bought a chicken the whole freakin bird and I ripped that thing up that a f'ing animal. I feel horrible now but I thought it would make me feel better to confess. I got done with training in the military so maybe that has something to do with it. Have any other vegetarians done this before?




  1. don't worry about it. Its kind of like cheating on a diet. Tomorrow is a new day and what's done it done. No biggy.

  2. its ok! everybody slips up sometimes. its great that youve been vegitarian for 8 years!

  3. Congratulations my friend. Welcome to the carnivorous fold. Eating meat is perfectly normal and you have nothing to be ashamed of or feel bad about. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You will be a happier person for it. Besides, being in the military will make it real hard to keep up a vegan lifestyle, especially when deployed.

  4. There is nothing wrong or nothing to be ashamed of it is just our natural primal instincts coming through. Many animals eat meat, humans were one of them and many humans still are. I have thought about eating meat before and am seriously considering at some point in my life living in nature or at least off the grids and hunting and gathering but I would need to study up and make sure I can do it! Just be careful sometimes after being veg or vegan for a while and eating meat can make you sick because your body is not used to it.

  5. No.

  6. Everybody makes mistakes, it's okay. Just move on and remember how it made you feel the next time you want to eat meat.

  7. You are 17 years old and are already done with basic training? I would assume you went through what I went through in boot, which means an abject breakdown of everything you are then are rebuilding of you as a soldier and a weapon. Since you're still young, you target your emotions in other ways. Are you worrying you'll be shipped out soon? Are you stressed or feel depressed or seperated from who you were (a vegetarian)? Do you feel like your previous feelings don't matter as much compared to what is going on now, and coupled with the aggression and hostility in you from boot camp, I'm sure that these things can happen.

    I personally didn't have anything like this happen to me, but I punched holes in a few punching bags in my lifetime to say the least... you'll learn how to deal with being in the military and how to channel the stress that the lifestyle brings into your heart. Not only was I in the Army but my husband was in the Marines, so I had double the stress in my life at points!

    So it was probably emotional/stress-related disturbances, mostly subconscious. Next time don't keep things like that in your fridge.

    Are you still on base, or are you at home? Are you in between boot and A-school or done with A-school? Those things all make a big difference in how you are feeling and what you go through too!

  8. well these kind of things can happen. everyone craves something when their not suppose to have it but they do. such as a woman on a diet and she'll eat a whole bag of geradelli  chocolate. in your case you craved a chicken. this is fine it'll happen at times. don't worry but maybe this is a sign that maybe you should eat some meat every once in a while. it just could be your body trying to tell you something. keep that in mind that it happens =)

  9. I wouldn't dwell on it.

    Thinking about training in the military, I can't imagine that vegetarianism is exactly welcomed or encouraged in some parts of the service, and maybe just some part of you wanted to prove that you could eat it if you needed to.

    I'm surprised actually you haven't had some kind of backslide for 8 years, after going through school etc. as there's pressure in teen years the most. While I've been veggie, I haven't backslid, but I'm sure I've accidently eaten animal products without realising it. So it comes to the same thing: remember being veggie isn't a purity contest - it's about doing what you can for people, animals, the environment and your health.

    So don't worry about it, and just carry on as you did before. You can get back on the veggie "wagon" - go for it!:)

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