
I have something(scar) on my face and people have a hard time kepping eye contact.?

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it's not exactly a scar but it is quite obvious most people have a hard time looking at me. it's made feel very sad and depressed for a while. so far all I do is just be strong and act normal but it can be tough cause sometimes people are very mean and well they sometimes make very obvious theyre uncomfortable. again i can be wrong but it's happened for a long enough time for me to distinguish.please help any tips on how to cope with this. it's quite distracting. i attend college.




  1. Just ignore it.  I have a scar all the way down my forehead from my hairline to my eyebrow so people like to look at that too.  I don't take it personally.

  2. People can be such jerks sometimes.  Please accept my apology for all those idiots out there.

    I mean it's tough.  What can you do.  You can't avoid people, but let me tell you, you are coping quite well.  Please continue and don't let people change who you are.

    Who knows why God allowed you to have this "scar."  Reach out to others with similar problems if you can.  That helps make you stronger for others and takes the focus off of you.

    Also, in this case I'm an advocate for plastic surgery.  Do a little research and see if there are any surgeons in your area (perhaps see if your doctor can recommend someone).  

    Keep up the good work - and all the best with your studies.

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