
I have sony home theatre 5.1 i want to add 2 more speakers to it. Can i do it how??

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I have sony home theatre 5.1 i want to add 2 more speakers to it. Can i do it how??




  1. It can be done! However I suspect it may s***w up The sound imaging. Anyway you will need a small aux amplifier. Head to the pawn shop and pick up a standard stereo tuner ( Old school style will be best). Take a Rec out or an Aux out of the primary unit and send it to an input of the aux amp. Then hang your added speakers off the aux amp. Now of coarse you have two points of volume control but you can use that to balance the system.

       Good luck.

  2. If your receiver is 7.1 capable you just wire the speakers to the 6th and 7th terminals just like any other speakers. If your receiver is not 7.1 capable you can't do it. It's that simple.

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