
I have sore legs from volleyball?

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i have been going to practice for volleyball for the past few days and been practicing for 5 hours each day and i have gotten really bad sore legs and i have played for 2 years and done track for two years and i have had sore leg before but not as bad do you have any ways to help ease the pain





    but u might have only pulled a mucsle though

  2. well im going to tell you this. yeah my legs (and everything else too lol) are killing me as well. My school tryouts are more like "lets see how many kids we can force to drop out, if they can't run, run, jump,run, pushup, situp, run. well... they just shouldn't be here"-seriously, thats what its like. most all of the incoming freshman have sat out or dropped out at some

    heres how i make it- well, for one thing, I've had to do this stuff in tryouts and practices for 2 years now. & hey- if i could make it through as a freshman- I can make it through as a junior. I also know from experience that the second and third day(the worst) are epecially tiring. But you just have to stay "mentally tough"(haha-one of my coach's favorite phrases) and push through it because its only going to make you better. Once you make it through the first few days it willlll get easier.

    Make sure you stretch before practice, after practice, and maybe even at home some so you dont "stock up?"(get tense)

    eat potassium (though that doesnt really seem to help me).

    Take ibprofen before practice too.

    also maybe use something to relax your muscles. like ICY HOT or something.

    i would suggest an ice bath..but that just seems awful to me .:D

    hope i helped.

  3. jack daniels and xanax

  4. Well, I've been playing for 6 years and the only thing you really CAN do is stretch, a LOT, before and after practice...It's called warming up and warming down, that helps to prevent being sore. Also ice doesn't help, it makes it cold and numb, try to stay off your feet and rest a little, you can even stretch a little at home to ease the pain. Also try to massage your legs where it's sore. And you can take tylenol or advil.

  5. your not in shape but your muscles might not be used to it but the icyhot patch works GREAT!!!!! but I get sore legs all the time. It happends and but some aspircream/ Analgesic Cream. Put it all over your legs before you go play or pratice. Its temporary relief of minor muscle aches and pains it helps alot! you can get it cheap at walgreens or any drug store.  but strech and run. take some pain med that will help alitte too. drink tons of water. you may have straied a muscle but do squats to help get those muscles workin. And after the season keep doin those so your legs can stay in shape hope i helped and good luck!

  6. Eat Bananas!!! They reduce the effects of Lactic acid in your muscles, and ease soreness!!!

  7. probably since you're working those muscles harder in the last few days than you were before they are sore, thats normal, as it becomes more rountine the pain should go away as you'll be using them more frequently, if it continues check with your doctor. good luck.

  8. vicodin

  9. That d**n volleyball will get'cha  every time!

  10. You just get sore legs?  Boy, are you lucky.  When I am through with a game, my arms and shoulders really hurt.  But that is the way it goes.  I usually take an advil and bear with it.

  11. ive gotten soar legs from being catcher(in softball) and you should just sit and rest..thats the best should go away in about 1 day if u try to do that

  12. This is totally normal. As a libero, some days they just kill. The best things to do to relieve the pain are to put a heating pad to it (very relaxing) or take a warm back and relax. After, I would use Rub a535. This stuff is a miracle. You just rub it on and instantly the pain is gone!

  13. a) suck it up...

    b) advil/motrin/tylenol take ur pick

  14. boo who who put some ice on it

  15. get used to it.

    try doing the same with screwed up tendons in both of your knees like i do.

  16. ice bath 15 min everyday after practice, go to the trainers room or make a bucket yourself at home. the ice will keep shin splints and everything else away.

    lots of ice and cold water, go mid- thigh deep

    trust me after a few days of doing it, it will feel better and prevent future injuries

    feel better

  17. put some ice on it and rest for a while ok

  18. I'm surprised nobody else mentioned this:


    Before and after practice, before going to bed, and after waking up.

    Also, work on deep knee bends.  Feet flat on the floor, arms extended, slowly lowering and raising.  At least three sets of ten bends.

  19. sit in a tub ful of ice andd cold water the pain will numb and when you get out you will be feeling better

  20. go sit in a hot tub !

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