
I have sore nipples,cramps,gas and a backache.whats wrong with me?

by  |  earlier

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i should be starting my period in a week and i haver never felt this way before. my nipples hurt so bad to touch and today i started getting cramps




  1. You might try posting your question in womens' health.

  2. HELLO!! - your in the men's section

    we get told off when we look in yours so behave you naughty girl lol

    funny Q tho.

    go see a quack love xx

  3. maybe u are about 2 start your period or maybe u are pregnant I don't no how old u are but my wife said that her nipples hurt some times 2 and she is pregnant.  

  4. your gonna start. this is normal pms symptoms :)

  5. Maybe you should go to the doctor.

  6. PMS PMS PMS!!!

  7. don't know this is man's health everyone is saying PMS so pms !!!!

  8. Having raised three daughters, it sounds like your periods are just gonna be loads of fun for you. Try some pamprin or something for cramp related issues, or ibuprofen, heating pads and exercise help according to my girls, but everyone is different, and since very few people in the men's health thingy have had periods, you may want to try women's health

  9. um, dude, this is in the MEN'S health section.  You gota see a doctor dude!

  10. you're lost babe > just keep going down the left side where it says: WOMEN'S HEALTH.  No normal guys know anything about having a period & I'm sure as h**l don't want one either.

  11. You've definitely got a bad case of PMS. Take some Midol extra strength or Pamprin XS.

  12. why exactly is this in the men's health section. I'd post it in WOMEN'S since typical guys have no clue about things happening to girls....just a thought :)

  13. Why are you asking this question in Men's  Health.  Don't you think you would get better responses in the Women's Health forum?  Besides that, most of the questions and answers in this column are from prepubescent boys inquiring about their p***s size.  Do you really think you could get a valid answer here?

  14. Sometimes your simptoms might change during your period. Sore nipples is a very common simptom of starting your period and so are cramps

  15. ur going to start

  16. Sounds like either pregnancy, or PMS. I often feel exactly that way up to a week before my period, and during it! If you think you could be pregnant get a test, or just wait and see if your period comes! Until then, Midol.

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