
I have sore nipples and people tell me its ovulation.

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but i have had my period for 4 years now and my nipples have never been sore!!! whats wrong with me? i have also had a really bad backache these last few days. im not gonna start my period for a week and 2 days.




  1. Pregnant!!

  2. I'm not going to sit here and say that you are not pregnant b/c I obviously do not know.. but I will tell you that if your period is not due for over a week yet it is way to early to have pregnancy symptoms. Most women will not start seeing signs until after they have missed their period and they are about 6 weeks pregnant. Only true way to tell is wait to see if you miss your period and take a test if you do. Good luck!

  3. To be honest i new well before i missed my period. But there is only one way to find out and thats to do a test.

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  4. Sore nipples are most commonly caused by PMS, Ovulation, or Pregnancy. If you have already ovulated (passed cycle day 14), then your soreness is most likely being caused by one of the other two. However, do not listen to other people who tell you it is too early for you to be feeling symptoms of pregnancy! I felt symptoms as early as 5 days after conception! The first things I felt were menstrual-like pains, shortly followed by extreme nipple soreness. It was a little too early for me to be experiencing PMS, so I knew something was up. Sure enough, I was pregnant. But don't jump the gun; wait until you miss your period and then test. Good Luck!  

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