
I have <span title="pain......................?">pain........................</span>

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In the lower part of my butt and i can't do leaps or anything!!! i was in the splits at dance two days ago and i was in the splits and my hip popped, but it popped back in so that is not the problem. But i have pain in the back lower part of my butt, and its not the outside muscle, its way inside. I don't know what i should do, because i can't do the splits at all, and i can't even touch my head to my right knee when i am stretching it!!! (by the way, its in the right side of my butt) its like i have lost ALL flexibility in my right leg. PLEASE HELP!




  1. Omg i just had the same problem i had to stope playing basketball for 2 weeks. Try wearing crocs it lowers the preasure for ur back also try not to stretch so much it doesnt let it heal and also take a worm shower it loosens up the muscles.

    1.crocs or soft shoes.

    2. relax ur body for a while.

    3.worm showers.

  2. You need to breath, is it your inner thigh or outer thigh (same question if it really is your butt)? You need to stay calm, it&#039;s actually a good thing. Your probably not used to that muscle being used. But trust me, it&#039;s good that your getting your muscles, because one day, when you really need that muscle for a hard dance role, you&#039;ll thank that butt pain! :)

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