
I have started homeschooling this year, should i go back to my old school next year?

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(i am in grade 7) I am wondering if i should go back to my old school for grade 8 or if i should stay and homeschool in grade 8 to.




  1. You really haven't provided enough details to determine what would be best in your situation. Lots of kids NEVER go to school and turn out great; other kids are better off in school. It all depends on who you are, how the homeschooling is happening and what is best for you in the long run (which does not mean what you want most).

  2. I am in 8th grade I Have been home schooled all my life and last year (7th) then i went to the school for art, orchestra and keyboarding and that was good because my mom didnt want me going all day and then this year they went to "A" "B" day so i only go on "A" days and have math, orchestra, art and history and so i take english and sci at home and so far its been good If you dont like home school Then i would see if you could go part time at the school or full time. In some places then they wont let you go only part time but where i live they will if your parent signs a paper saying they will home school you. so Its really up to you what you want to do. I like doing part time but on "B" days i do my home work or sleepin because im so bombed out from the day before so I would rather go all the time because i think its fun to see my friends because when iwas home schooled i never knew what was going on with them! so yup hope this helps!

  3. I think homeschooling is great and there are so many bad influences in schools. Schools also tend to "repeat teach" year after year and sometimes it is just not needed. With homeschooling you can learn what you need to instead of dozing off at something you already know. Plus you can challenge yourself and learn to the way that suits you best. You can still involve yourself in extracurricular activities. It is really up to you though and what you want.

  4. Why are you wondering whether you should go back?  We need more specifics.

  5. I think homeschool is great, but if you are performing poorly in homeschool and have a history of performing superiorly in public school, then I would consider it-but only under those circumstances....homeschool has to much more to offer, and a higher QUALITY of things to offer too.

  6. That is a decision for your family to make, not strangers on Yahoo Answers

  7. it depends, are the school gonna put u back in 7th or 8th grade? cuz im homeschooling, and i know that if im gonna go back to high school, thell put me back in 9th grade, even though ive been homeschooling for about a year and a half.

    anyways, enjoy, and i dont think that u should skip ur middleschool years, they are the best! lol :)

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