
I have started to realize that I don't *need* a partner anymore. Is this good?

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This is a HUGE change in me I have started to lightly notice. I have been the most relationship-oriented person, very love-oriented since the last 10 yrs, and have always craved for a partner so far. I am now 31. I hv started realizing that hey! I don't NEED someone anymore. If he comes, great, if not, am still joyous. On one level, I even actually feel that it's so liberating to not be involved in any relationship drama, and there's amazing peace of mind to be single. I don't truly feel the need for support anymore either. I realize..hey I can be my own great emotional support. A friend I told this to, said "be careful being single should not become a habit, then it all becomes about 'me'". I did not agree with him as I still believe in true love and believe in caring and serving. I am a bit perplexed though. Is this a healthy development in me?




  1. Yes it is good, although I'm married to the love of my life I don't need a partner. So it's not good to just be with someone for the sake of it. It's good to be on your own to learn that you vcan be a fully functional person and be happy content without relying on anyone else to fulfill those things.

  2. It is awesome not to need anyone. You can now be better loved.

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