
I have stomach pains almost always...?

by  |  earlier

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im 13 and dont plan on having s*x untill im married. but i have had stomach pains since i was 11 every morning and i keep wondering, if it dosnt stop, will i have problems getting pregnant or complications with the baby when i become pregnant? its not ur usual pain. it feels like your stomach is being squeezed in the middle. me and my boyfriend arnt having s*x till marrage but are extremely concerned on this issue. it could be inherited my by dad from his dad but they were males.. i just think it would pressure the baby. (by the way i consulted doctors and they ignored me...)




  1. You need to be consistent and go to the doctor again and keep going until they listen. If it is your stomach and not down between your hip bones then it may not have anything to to with your baby-making organs. tell your parents and make sure they know you are serious. It could be a serious problem. Good luck!  

  2. i haven'tot started yet but my stomach hurts about 2 inches below my belly button

  3. I had that problem. Do u feel sick to your stomach with it? It could be your getting ready to start your period or you have an ovarian cyst. It is nothing major i get them all the time, it just hurts, birth control help with it. You can still have children with the problem

  4. If the pain is really your stomach, then it is not related to your uterus. Now, if it's abdominal pain that's similar to cramps then I'm not sure. Are you having your menses yet? If it's belly pain, it won't pressure the baby.

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