
I have stomack,evry dau i make exes.4 stomack,but it dosn't help me.what can i do?

by Guest65518  |  earlier

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I have stomack,evry dau i make exes.4 stomack,but it dosn't help me.what can i do?




  1. Eat right and exercise.

    Eat when you are hungry, not out of comfort or habit.  Eat more foods that are good for you. This will lessen your desire for junk food. Before you grab a bag of chips or cookies eat a carrot or apple.

    Exercise does not always have to be strenuous.  Get in the habit of taking the dog for a walk.  Or spend a couple of hours a week playing frisbee with some kids in the neighborhood.  If there are none, make up a frisbee golf course.  Walk to the store instead of riding.  Ride a bike instead of driving.  Biggest thing is to just get off the couch or away from the computer.

    Then, most importantly, stop worrying about your stomach.

    Yes, it is one thing that people will look at when evaluating you.

    There are other things as well.  Nice clear eyes, genuine smile, pleasant disposition, clean neat clothes, interesting hobbies, all add up to make an impression on people.  A good diet and exercise may help improve on these as well.  Just be yourself and who you are.  Remember if you don't like who you are, then others are not like to do so either.  Strive to be the person that you would like to be.

  2. If you consult the Grand Duke in the House of Jupiter, all will be well.

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