
I have strep throat and can't keep food down long enough to take my medication. What should I do?

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I went to the doctor yesterday and he and the nurse said that I had pretty bad strep throat just by looking.

He gave me Lortabs (for the pain) and Amoxixillin. The first two times I tried taking the Lortabs (WITH food, mind you) they made me throw up whatever I had eaten. Those of you who have had strep throat know that eating is hard enough-- but throwing up and having to think about eating again is pretty S****y.

Later on I had chicken broth and I melted some crackers into it when it was really hot so they were soft enough to swallow. I took one of my antibiotics and successfully kept it down. Later, I did the same and kept one more antibiotic down. I even took half of a Lortab and kept it down.

Today, however, I woke up in a severe amount of pain. I decided that after I eat, I should take a half Lortab first to help with the pain (and then later attempt the antibiotic).

I kept the Lortab down all morning and all day. I slept a lot, but felt really sick to my stomach. Then, out of nowhere, like 8 hours after I ate and took the Lortab, I threw up!!! The only thing I had in my stomach was Gatorade and stomach bile at this point.

I don't know what to do! I really need to take more antibiotics but I'm afraid that if I eat anything i'll throw up again. It hurts really bad and I don't think I can take throwing up on top of the throat pain anymore.




  1. Crush it up in  a spoonful  of Applesauce..easy to swallow

  2. You can get shots instead or oral ingestion. But that's not the point, you could definitely use an opinion from a health professional, and you may benefit from a second opinion as well.

    However throwing up medication can be a symptom of allergy to the medication.

  3. You might be allergic to the drug you are taking.

  4. If you can't keep it down let your doctor know.  He could probably give you a shot of antibiotics so it's sure to stay inside you.  That way you'll feel better a lot faster.

  5. Yeah you need to give your doc a call, I know this isn't life threatening, but the fact that you're not able to take your ABs and keep any fluids down is really not helping your recovery, and actually a little serious. Certain worth a call to the doc, even after hours -- that's what you pay them for!

    S/He might be able to provide some anti-nausea meds, or at least something easier for you to take for your antibiotics.

    I'd think s/he might also want to see you again since it's been a few days now that you've been having this problem -- I'd be worried you're getting dehydrated.

    Lortabs are notorious for making one throw up, too, so that's not helping.

  6. I would go to the doctor. You may also have acid reflux, my grandmother has that and she kinda like can't hold down her food sometimes. It only happens like once a week.

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