
I have stretched my phimosis and need answers?

by  |  earlier

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My phimosis has stretched well and i can pull the skin over the head of the p***s,

Is it safe to have s*x now?

There is something just below the head called a 'waist' and im wondering if this would put women off? ( google a ' waist ' if uncertain)

what is the best way to clean my p***s ?




  1. I can't tell when people are joking anymore....

    Yes, it's safe to have s*x.

    Um- don't worry about the appearance, a pee pee is a pee pee, and as long as you can use it, it really doesn't matter.

    Cleaning? Pull the skin down and use soap on the whole thing in the shower.

  2. Hello,

    I wanted to add in, that if you retract a tight f******n, (like you're describing),  it's a good idea to pull it back forwards again when you're 'finished with it.'

    If it gets stuck in the pulled-back position, behind the head of the p***s, that can be a problem because that makes the skin of the f******n swell up.  That's called a para-phimosis.

    I don't quite know whether to include a picture, 'cos it's a bit gross, but if you want to see a picture of a para-phimosis there's one below.  You can see the f******n is stuck behind the head of the p***s, and is swollen up or 'puffy.'

    Just pull the f******n forwards again, and you'll be fine  :)

    Hope this is of some help.

    Best wishes,

    Belliger (retired uk gp)

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