
I have stupidly put about 9 lit of petrol in a diesel car.?

by  |  earlier

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It is a courtesy car, which i was returning, only stopped at home, but the car wouldn't start, I had driven it about 15 miles after putting petrol in. They didn't tell me it was diesel, and after looking more carefully found that it did have a sticker(being very small and very dirty).

It is a Peugeot 306 reg 03, what do you think they will say?




  1. What do you think numb nut, they wil prob keep you deposit, and request about £5,000 from you,anyway was,nt the fuel hose BIGGER?

  2. well you need to drain the tank and remove any traces of diesel simple as that

    drive the car to them tell them what you did and they will give you a different car to drive you should only be charged for a tank of gas if they are um.......... they may hit you up with driver neglect and make you pay the repair bill for dropping and emptying the tank


  3. Get it back to rental shop. Once they have accepted it back, it's their problem.

  4. They are going to be quite annoyed, the wrong type of fuel really can **** and engine up.

  5. should run , try it again , turn it over and when it fires run it , then dilute down with diesel .it's only two gallon . you are panicking .

  6. try ripping off the sticker before you return it and say there was not one at all hopefully they will say sorry and you wont be charged

  7. Put about 25 Litres of Diesel in it and let it settle then crank the starter untill she goes.  It might take a wee while but it will.  Petrol doesnt affect a diesel car if you have enough diesel in it and wont damage it it just wont run.

  8. If you don't sort this, they will seriously rip you off to repair it.

    You need a good local garage to drain all of the fuel & change the filter, filling that with diesel before fitting. Refill with diesel & hope to god it'll start.

    The other suggestions don't mention the filter - the fuel filter on a diesel hold a lot of fuel, just draining & refilling the tank won't give enough fuel to the engine to start it.

    If it won't start after this, start saving....

  9. Cheapest solution: Syphon out the fuel from your tank and then fill it with diesel, then hope it starts and gets you back to the hire company.

    Good luck and keep us informed!!

  10. "Are they going to charge me."  I would.  Petrol in a diesel is really, really bad for it.  At the very least they'll have to drop the tank and flush the fuel system.  Expect a bill.

    Just hope it didn't do worse damage to the engine internals.

  11. Stop driving and syphon out the petrol-diesel mixture from your fuel tank quickly, then refill with pure diesel. You could blow your engine indeed you may already have damaged it.

    Petrol is not compressible in the same way that diesel is and you can end up wrecking your crankshaft, con rods, cylinders, cylinder-head gasket and pistons if you try to run a diesel engine with a petrol-diesel mix.

    Sounds to me like a "it's my word against your word" type of situation. I reckon they should have explained to you clearly that the courtesy car was a diesel.

  12. Oh dear. The best thing is to phone immediately. The worst that it will need is a change out of fuel and filters. I fear they may have you pay for it, however. This is quite the c'yup.  

  13. Get the bugger to the forecourt of the hire place early in the morning B4 they open. When they do, take the keys in to the hire firm, let them check over the body work ect, when this is done, sign it off, SMILE at the hire man, and get the h**l out of their and dont go back.... BUT..... If they try and start it whilst u r their, your answer will be "How do u think i got it here? PUSHED it????"

    LOL, you silly sausage

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