
I have suddenly developed an intrest in Paranormal phenomeons, what would be a good career choice for this?

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Big foot please answer a career that pays good!




  1. Can you write? Write a tv script around your Medium...First, it will take you years to have enough experiences to fill up the pages. You can also include in your script the things skeptics did to you and how you survived it all.(That is..IF you survive it.)

    You might have better luck with UFOs. Contact MUFON  and see if they need volunteers. Eventually, you might get a paying job with them. Till then, you need to keep your day job!!

  2. You could be a paranormal investigator, parapsychologist, or try to develop a psychic ability?

  3. My answer is go to College then become a Psychologist,Anthropologist something that studies people.I'm guessing that would be pretty well-paying.You can also go into the Forestry service.No Bigfoot has ever been found.You could always look while you work.

  4. You can write a book and hope for the best.

  5. There aren't any.  Do something productive and enjoy paranormal phenomenons as a hobby.

  6. A good career choice of course would be a published author/researcher/expert in some paranormal field.  Even further than an author, perhaps documentary film maker as well.  Or an investigative paranormal journalist.  Linda Moulton Howe is a great example of this (see link below).  

    Therefore studies in journalism and/or media (tv, film, radio) would help.


  7. You can become a investigator of any sort. like a big foot investigator or ghost investigator, etc. anyway, but you won't get paid very good money. sorry.

  8. Science.

  9. Most paranormal researchers here on Answers do it as a hobby. I'm the same. I have a full time job, and somehow still manage to head out to two or three cemetarys every Wednesday night. It's all about priorities and time management.

    Unfortunately, there aren't many careers in Paranormal phenomenon, unless you plan on conning people out their money. My sister was looking into being a Phenomenologist for a few years, but gave up. She said there was too much school and not enough repsect involved. I told her, there's always demonology.

    MUFON is highly respected in the UFO community, so you could probably ask them if they need volunteers. They're always looking for people. The aliens abduct everyone else, lol.

  10. Work toward a PhD in psychology.  If you make it that far and are still interested in the paranormal then you will be equipped for a career in paranormal studies.

    Though it might be easier, and certainly less demanding, to just to write a book full of New Age nonsense.  It worked for Sylvia Browne, et al.

  11. Well, as alluring as being a big foot is, it doesnt pay in cash, you basically eat berries and nuts.

    Your only options for making loads of money are writing books, getting a tv show, or learning classic con-jobs and suckering people who are greiving out of thier money with the old medium act.

    If you could contact some aliens, you might be able to get a phaser gun or something and sell it on ebay for $100,000 or so.

    Good luck

  12. They're aren't any, there are a gazillion people doing it for free.  Sorry.. :)

  13. Your choice of career depends on what aspect of the paranormal you wish to investigate and what approach you wish to take to the investigations.

    Let us say that you wish to investigate UFOs. Then meteorology, atmospheric physics, astronomy, or astrophysics would all be good choices.

    Let us say ghosts. Then it depends on what and how you wish to investigate. Do you want to examine the effects on people's lives that seeing a ghost has? Then psychology is a good choice. Do you want to look for physical evidence of these events or examine environmental factors? Then perhaps physics or engineering.

    Bigfoot could be studied with techniques in anthropology, zoology. or biology.

    Chances are you will need a doctoral degree in the field you choose and will spend most of your time teaching and researching in your field of study at a college or university.

    Very few people have support and funding from their universities.

    If you wish to examine all of the areas that is possible if you limit your examination to say personality traits of people that see UFOs compared to people that see Bigfoot (this would be psychology or sociology).

    Journalism explores all these areas but in a less scientific way.

    Please feel free to contact me if I might be of further assistance.


  14. paranormal investigator or paranormal historian

  15. >The Paranormal is not a career unless you hit the lottery in gaining a T.V. show. Those who charge money for services are nothing more than cheap side show psychics and fortune tellers. If you do this you do it because you like it and your really wanting to help further the cause and help those in need when the occasion arises. Otherwise there is no paranormal careers. It cost a lot of out of pocket funds to pruchase equipment, expenses to go and come back, and most times, its all for nothing. The TV shows glamorize everything just like watching CSI shows. Real life is far different from what you see coming out of hollywood.

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