
I have sunburn all over my back, stomach , and arms what should i do...?

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Sunburn all over back, stomach, and arms. itches and i don't know what to use!




  1. besides putting aloe vera gel or lotion on to help it... there is stuff called dermoplast, and it comes in a spray can, and it is for burns or bites etc... it really helps.

  2. Use lotts and lots of aloe gel.

    If you can you can get this stuff and it's called

    "After Sun lotion" and I'm not sure who makes it

    but it works amazingly well. I put it on the night

    that I get a sunburn and in the morning I feel so much

    better :D

    Hope you get to feeling better. :)

  3. Big Daddy   !

    Brew enough tea bags to cover a considerable area of the sunburn and ice down to get the tea really cold. Place the cold, wet tea bags and/or a rag drenched in the tea over the affected area, keeping the bags and rags cold. If you can submurge the burned part of the body, do so into the tea. Do this for at least one hour as often as you can (3 or so times a day) until it fades. This works for second and third degree burns as well and will prohibit scarring! The tea works as an antioxidant and pulls the heat out of your body. It stops the pain temporarily also.

  4. Put some aloe vera gel on it it helps soothe the burn and itch

  5. GO SEE A DOCTOR OR A DERMATOLOGIST IMMEDIATELY! They can help you and possibly give you a prescription so that it doesn't blister and scar.

  6. use aloe vera it helps sooooo much. i had a sunburn on my back and got in a ChLoRoNaTeD pool... yeah... it wasnt pretty... :(

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