
I have surgery monday and i like to drink and smoke would it be a bad idea to do it on friday and saturday?

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I have surgery monday and i like to drink and smoke would it be a bad idea to do it on friday and saturday?




  1. don't drink on sunday(it can thin your blood slightly) if you can go wihtout smoking quit all the way!

  2. I would try not to.  It won't do any good.  I hope your surgery goes well, plus why drink when you will probably be on painkillers?!?!  That might be fun itself.  I am NOT saying to abuse them, but you may feel slightly drunk from your medicine anyway.  Hold out on the beer and smokes..

    God Speed

  3. Just make sure you don't drink on sunday, they do say though that its a good idea to quit any kind of smoking 3 days before surgery and that is because when they put you under anesthesia they generally put a breathing tube in and for a few days after surgery your throat will hurt, but when you wake up you might have a horrible cough. Its really your call but alcohol does thin your blood so just use common sense. good luck with your surgery

  4. just stop drinkin & smokin

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