
I have taken 6 pregnancy tests 3 said yes and 3 said no how do i know if i really am or not?

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I have taken 6 pregnancy tests 3 said yes and 3 said no how do i know if i really am or not?




  1. go on yahoo answers and ask if your pregnant or not

    Go to a doctor duh, even if you had all six say your pregnant you still need to go to the doctor to know for sure, there are other things that can be going on to mess with your hormones and give you a false positive.

  2. take 6 more?

    lol jk

    umm either take a blood test or go to a doctorr!!

  3. Go to a doctor.  That's the most accurate thing you can find!


  5. I could be funny and say, "Wait for nine months and you'll know for sure", but I'm not going to go that route.  Most drug store pregnancy test kits have proved to be unreliable.  So my advice would be to go to a doctor and have a professional lab test done.

  6. take one with the digital answer of YES or NO

    Those cannot be misread like the ones with the lines

  7. go to the doctor.

  8. doctors

  9. go see a doc, good luck

  10. doctor

  11. Go see your doctor.

  12. go see a doctor?

  13. go to the doctors

  14. Wait 9 months and see if a baby pops out

  15. hmmmmmm......... MAYBE u should go to the Doctor

  16. go to the doctor.......

  17. Britt, you have already had some very good advice (Ayden's was very thorough, and vry accurate), so let me tell you one little thing: the el-cheapo diswcount  store types may not be as accurate as the EPT's and otehr nam brands, simply because they ca easily be compromised by being stored in a place where they got too hot or had high humidity.  This can ruin the test's ability to measure your HCG levels.  Always use the kind your pharmicist reccommends since they know what are the best kinds.  Good luck, and I hope you have a beautiful and healthy baby.

  18. Go to a doctor and get a blood test.  Pregnancy tests are very unpredictable because every single brand measures a different amount of hcg.  First response and answer test measure the least amount.  So if those showed positive but a clear blue digital showed negative its cause your hormones are not high enough yet.  But 3 positives thats exactly what it is your pregnant.  Pregnancy test only measure if hcg is present.  But test like clear blue and other digital test measure at least 50 mlu.  Where are First response and Answer measure as little as 25 mlu.  Hope i have helped!

  19. wow six test that a lot go see a doctor so find out for sure

  20. As scary as it may be, the only way to know for sure is to make an appointment with a doctor. This is really the best thing either way, because if you are pregnant a doctor can help you figure out how to handle it and ensure that you and the baby are safe.If not, it's good to find out if there's some other reason why the tests are showing up positive that could affect your health. Good luck.

  21. go to a doctor


  23. you had enough pee for 6 pregnancy tests??

    you are much more likly to false negatives than false posatives so its probably more than likly that you are pregnant.

    so better get yourself down the abortion clinic quick for your own sake.

    *edit* btw the tests they use at the doctors are the same you buy in the shop, i can't belive people don't know that

  24. go get a doctor one

  25. Go to the doctor. They can do a much more accurate test. Good luck!

  26. You have to got to the doctor. I know it cost more than a cheap pregnancy test but you have already waste money on 6 and you don't know anymore than you did when you started. If you go to the doctor and you are pregnant then you are getting a jump start on prenatal care that is so important. And if you are not then they can run test to see why your body sometimes thinks you are. It could be a chemical pregnancy where your body just thinks its pregnant or it could be ectopic which is serious and the sooner it is found the better. It could be that it is too soon for it to really show up. Are you taking all of the test with the first morning urine? That makes a difference because it will be higher. Go to the doctor then the question will be answered and you can stop stressing, not good for pregnant mommy's.

    Good Luck

  27. See your doctor... They'll be able to help you.

  28. Bloode test.

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