
I have tendinosis in my achilles tendon...?

by  |  earlier

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is there anything i should do to prevent it from getting worse?? im a setter in jv volleyball, so i jump a lot.. help!!




  1. I have no idea what you should do.  I would recommend talking to your doctor, though.

  2. Do exactly what your doctor says, you don't want to jeopardize a career,well heck just walking,by destroying your Achilles uncle had his Achilles  cut on jutting re-bar while walking on jagged concrete,he cant  even run.Don't mess with that,its one of the most important tendon for jumping.let it heal properly,and if the doctor says stay off of it,stay off of it. you may be out for a part of the season,or the whole season,let it heal.if its not healed fully,aggravating it time  and time again,it will never heal properly.You should be ready for Varsity.Its the hardest thing,watching when you know you want to be out there,but help the team and coach any other way you can,there will always be next year.

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