
I have terrible bosses who "baby" the morons in the office becasue they're morans as well. What...?

by  |  earlier

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What should I do?




  1. If you can't beat them, join them.

  2. you should quit. why would you want to be around people like that? go find a job where people appreciate you more.

  3. Calling your managers and co-workers names won't solve anything.  Make a decision for yourself, if you want to stay at your work or leave.

    If you want to stay, then work towards identifying the problem and eventually solving them.  By calling them "morons" you indicated you disagree with them.  You said nothing about source of the disagreements or who is actually right.  There are reasons why people do certain things.  Think about it.

  4. Do you have a Human Resource Director or Department?  You could try speaking with them if you do.  We have similar challenges at my place of employment and it takes us going to Human Resources to get any resolution.  It has gotten better somewhat since we have started documenting the issues and being prepared when we go to the Human Resource person.  But you have to do it from a professional standpoint rather than calling them morons or seeming like you are picking "little" things.  If you can find ways that you are being discriminated against, that is HUGE with Human Resources.  For example, you used the term "baby".  I assume that means the bosses are more lenient on others or have some favoritism.  If you can prove that or cite examples, it will go far for you.  

    Good luck.

  5. start food fights

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