
I have terrible toothache i try advil 6 at time i washed my mouth out alchol and nothing is helping.

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what can I do please help i dont want to take to many advil liquid gels.




  1. **Make an appointment to see your dentist!  In the meantime, try the following:

    *Swish some warm salt water around in your mouth.

    *Use some over-the-counter toothache ointment (orajel, etc.).

    *Use warm/cool compresses.

    *Avoid very cold or hot foods because this may make the pain worse.

    *Relief may be obtained from biting on a cotton ball soaked in oil of cloves. (Oil of cloves is available at most drug stores.)

    Hope this helps!

  2. Take a tooth pick dunked in "oil of cloves" and dab on the tooth only. This is a spice oil and its very potent. You can find it in health food stores. This is an old New England "cure" for a toothache caused by a cavity.

    You can also take a "Bayer aspirin tablet" and melt it into your tooth cavity, and let it stay there. It will deaden the nerve-it helps a lot.

  3. Make an appointment with a dentist.

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