
I have the biggest fear of planes!!!!!!?

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I'm going to mexico it's a 3 hour flight my biggest fear is planes I have tried going to therapy I get panic attacks my bf is a huge support I'm flying with my parents and I guess I'm just scared of the plane falling I get freaked out every time it makes a weird noise anything any help , facts, advise??!!!




  1. u can take sleeping pills

    -u can chat with someone beside u

    -bring anything interesting to read or listen to

    -try to plan ur trip and convince urself that u have a destination to arrive to for a specific goal .

    - u can shop thru the tax free magazine or ask to see the products.

    - watch the movie

    - try to keep eating and drinking all the flight!

  2. just dont look out the window and see the gremlin.....

  3. I used to be terrified of planes! You know what made it MUCH worse? My first flight was right after 9/11!! That might be the problem with you (have you heard about the Madrid flight?). Weird noises are usually just the plane taking off or landing. You're lucky! Only 3 hours! Most of my flights are at least 7 and a half! If you're scared about the plane falling think about it this way- every time a plane crashes/falls its on TV right? Well millions and millions of planes fly with no problems. I've been on almost 10 flights and nothing has happened. When I was on a plane the first time I forgot about my fear because I got bored. I would bring like a DVD player, ipod, or a good book. I personally love looking out the window.

  4. Fear of flying is normal and it happens to a lot of people.  here's a few tips and some facts about airplanes that may put you at ease:

    First off, grab an isle seat. Not being able to see out the window might make you feel more at ease. Bring music, video games, something interesting to read, etc. Anything to keep you busy. Get to know your neighbor. 4 hours and 47 minutes is just 2 movies and 2 good CDs.

    As you are seating in the isle, look at the faces of flight attendants to gage the seriousness of the turbulence you are experiencing. They have gone through serious turbulence, and you will see it in their faces when it's really bad.

    If you can sleep in the plane, go for it. Dramamine will make you a little drowzy. Are you OK with feeling like that? You can ask your doctor for a prescription for Xanax or Ativan. They will help you relax and take the anxiety out of flying.

    Read the inflight magazine and browse through the Skymall catalog, except start at the back page and make your way to the front with your non-dominant hand. It will take you longer and force you to concentrate, which will take your mind off flying.

    On an average day in the US there are 87,000 flights. That amounts to 31,755,000 flights per year.

    Out of those flights, there is an average of 47 accidents per year, or one in 675,638 chance of a plane being in a crash.

    In other words, you are fairly safe and should not worry too much.

    I hope this helps.

  5. Pretend you are on a bus.

  6. I've been flying since I was 3 months old (apparently) and I fly about 3 or 4 times a year.

    And I still get freaked out when the plane makes sounds like it's falling apart. But just think, like if your in a really old house and the floors creak , its not like it's going to fall down.

    Try keep occupied by listening to music, watching movies, read a book or even looking out the window if you get a window seat (it's really reassuring that there's nothing wrong with the plane, that your just slowing down etc.) and enjoy the views!!!

    I'm absolutely sure you'll be fine!!

  7. Those weird noises are just such things as the wing flaps being retracted or extended (depends on whether you are landing or taking off)  or even the landing gear.    Some planes, also have wing slats as well so whenever they are activated they will make some noise.    This is completely normal and is nothing at all to worry about.

    I am a pilot myself and I can assure you that your flight to Mexico will be 100% uneventful and you will have a wonderful time in Mexico.

    enjoy your trip

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