
I have the charisma of a plank of wood please help?

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People want to be surrounded by happy fun people. I'm such a bore, I look depressed. I tend to avoid people because I am uncomfortable around them. But at the same time I crave attention...I want to be like that dog in the smirnoff advert playing the guitar adored by a loving crowd.




  1. Can I love you, please?

    I'll listen to everything you might want to talk about, will not put you in any unease for whatever topic you feel like broaching, won't get uncomfortable in the silences in between and I'll happily recreate some Smirnoff-type scenario with lots of vodka.  

  2. I see a lot of "be yourself," but who are you? It seems to me that maybe you have it in you to be a fun, happy person, but your shyness is getting in the way. Maybe you want to be the introverted plank of wood, but how do you know if you've never been in a situation where you could be something else? The first thing I suggest you do is figure out who you want to be. Now, is that person the same person you show to other people? Work on bringing those two beings into harmony. Put yourself into new situations, and find out through first hand experience whether you like those situations. Finally, don't let fear rule your life. If you do,  you will never create the kind of life you want for yourself.  

  3. just be yourself!!!! find someone or a group of people who have the same interests as you and just be you. dont try to b anyone else because eventually they will find out thats not the real you

  4. that made me laugh, not in a harsh way. You've clearly given this some thought.

    Essentially be yourself and don't try too hard to change yourself. Change will happen naturally. If you try to be something or someone your not it will show and it wont go down well. Try reminding yourself of your good qualitys and tell yourself people do enjoy your company, if you believe if you will automatically become better company i believe, s'all about the confidence.

  5. start by getting on some meds for your depression, then work on your self-esteem

  6. You're not Gordon Brown are you?

    Your question was phrased in a humourous way, which makes me think you have a great sense of humour really.

    You could be like one of those comedians that are really dour and depressed looking, like Jack Dee.  You don't have to suddenly turn into Ronald McDonald and start leaping about grinning like an idiot or something for people to like you, just be yourself and let your natural humour out.

  7. I sometimes have the same problem. If you avoid people because you're uncomfortable around them, try reintroducing yourself to a friend you used to have but havent seen for a while or someone thats in a lot of your classes. Start by talking to people who are familiar and eventually, you'll get to be more social. Try standing with your hands on your hips instead of crossed. Stand up straighter, and try to smile whenever you feel yourself frowning. You'll feel a lot better.

    Good luck! Hope you find some new friends.

  8. not all people like fun. you just need to find people who have the same interest as you, being calm, and speaking of whatever your interests are. Learn to fit in with people, don't be shy, talk what you want, sometimes you can even sugar coat some stories to make them look a bit better, to grab someone's attention, and you will end up making conversation with someone. Eventually, if you meet the person again somewhere, you guys might actually communicate more.

    Hope that helped, its my two cents :P

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