
I have the hardest time in the world spelling...whats wrong with me!!!?

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I am 19 and a stellar worker when it comes to academics..but when it comes to spelling and punctuation... i s***w up the h**l outta it!!.no matter how hard i try ,no matter how many times i read the dictionary,no matter how many times a look over and edit my work....i still can't l**k this spelling issue!!.does anyone else have this problem????




  1. Many people have difficulty with spelling.  However, if you wrote your question yourself, you are not nearly as bad as some.

    Always use spell check and have someone else proofread anything you write.  

    A friend of mine always uses a voice recognition program to "write" his papers for college.  It has saved him a lot of aggravation.

  2. Burtdog...My hats off to you...well done....

    As for your question....keep reading, and doing what you can to improve your skills. the fact that you want to says a bunch. I used to play this game where I look up a new word everyday in the dictionary to learn the spelling and the meaning, then I'd use it in a sentence at some point during the day....You learn the spelling...the definition...the more you do this, for me anyway, the easier it got to remember ...Maybe also, try keeping a Joural, when your writing in your journal, focus on perfecting the art of your punctuation and'll get there... Good Luck...

  3. You are NOT alone. There are tons of people that have spelling problems like you. The English language is REALLY confusing at times and it takes a lot of time and dedication to master it. It is great that you are trying to fix your problems. A lot of people at nineteen would just give up, this tells people a lot about your personality. I am sure you will get over this hump. Good luck.

    This site is perfect for you.

  4. Each and every one of us has this problem.  The difference between us is how frequently we have it. In your case, you used "i" when you should have used "I" and you said "outta it" when you should have said "out of it." It is not that you didn't know better, it is that you didn't care. Fix the attitude first and take care of the details later.  The respect that you pay our language will, sooner or later, earn respect for you.

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