
I have the most biggest b***s that haven't stopped growing for 3 years what do i do?

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I am 11 years old and wear a DD bra and my breast are still growing i am so worried that when i grow older they will have to make a new sized bra for me




  1. Hello,

       I have expeirenced that. I was 13 years old with a size DD. As I got older they just kept growing. When I turned 18 I had a breast reduction and they are now just big enough for my body. Now I weigh 125 and have a c cup.

  2. your just going through puberty. you could get a breast reduction done, but it is natural for some girls to be bigger than others in areas like that. look at pamela anderson. I'm not sure if those are real, but every one says they are. its the same with dolly parton.  

  3. When you get older you can get a breast reduction surgery .

    But I don't think there's much you can do about it now ..

  4. A lot of girls have your problem, but unfortunately there isn't too much you can do until you're older, and you stop growing. Until them, embrace your body for what it is! I know a lot of girls would kill for what you've got, and many women pay thousands of dollars to have chests your size. :)

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