
I have the new Vista program and cannot post or reply to my Yahoo Groups. HELP!!!?

by Guest32534  |  earlier

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I can send and receive private emails ~ I also receive post from all of my Yahoo Groups in both my Earthlink Web Mail and the (new) Windows Mail. BUT I cannot post nor reply to my groups with either my Earthlink or Windows Mail??? If you respond PLEASE put "Vista / Yahoo Question" in the subject line as my Earthlink will place you in my suspect mail and I do not open any email that is questionable. Thank you...




  1. It sounds like an incompatibility issue.  I would recommend checking with a Yahoo Groups customer service representative as well to see what they say in case there's a technical issue at their end.

  2. there are many conflicts with Vista and many area's and programs. try using Yahoo mail instead-

    I have Vista 64 bit and it send my posts through ok

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