
I have the new iPhone 3G and after the most recent update it freezes alot and some apps are very slow?

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This is my first apple product, I read all about people not liking the iphone but i don't think its that bad at all... so far i like it alot but its recently gotten sluggish and sometimes freezes.. What can i do to fix it? Ive done the restarting it and it works some of the time.. What else can i do?




  1. First off call a representative or your phone company. The Iphone has 3g on it it should not be slow at all. You might have a manufactures defect or even a bug on your phone. So i would consider calling and checking to see if there anything you can do. Because 3g of memory is alot so your phone won't be slowing down because of contacts or information.  

  2. I dont know if your phone is jailbroken or not but maybe its one of your programs running in the background? This was happening to my phone when I had the intelliscreen running but it quit after i uninstalled it....

  3. yes, this is completely common.

    #1. the keyboard takes FOREVER to catch up with your fingers, or takes a few seconds to come on the screen?

    #2. your phone gets very slow when going through contacts.

    #3. your apps run slow, freeze, and crash the phone..

    theres nothing you can do except wait until apple updates the firmware.

    This is one of the reasons why people do not like the iphone.OSX sucks.

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