
I have the same person in my dreams all the time.?

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He shared a locker next to me in Jr. High. He was a nice guy, not bad looking. We shared lockers next to eachother for 3 years. I never had a crush on him or anything, but I have constant dreams about him. Well not very often, but of the people I can recognize in my dreams he comes up often. Most dreams are romantic or sexual, we are trying to be together but we can't. I wake up with the feeling that I should be with him, that we have some kind of connection, but we were just casual classmates. I'm 30 now, so this was 17 years ago.




  1. omg that's nice... contact him just spend some time with him and then ask yourself if you feel anything for him. the reason why you dream of him might be that you like him but there's some reason (even if not conscious) that makes you not want to like or meet him. see him and then analyse yourself!good luck

  2. This is pretty interesting. To determine why he keeps popping up in dreams, I would do two things. First, try amplification. You do this by brainstorming associations with your guy. For example, I'll amplify flower. Flower....smell...flower...v****a.....fl... so on until you find something significant.

    The next thing I would do is use my imagination and have a pretend conversation with the boy in your dream while awake. Try not to edit yourself. This may help you find out more about why he is there.

    Male in women's dreams often reflect either parts of one's self that they are afraid of (if the male is bad) or a part that they want to develop. There may be characteristic about the boy in your dream that your subconscious is trying to get in touch with within yourself.

    Hope that helps some.

    P.S. Check out Jungian dream analysis. It's good stuff.

  3. maybe it was that teenage longing that you had but not quite sure about it then and that feeling came back up into the surface because of an unfulfilled longing with the person you are with now. in short day-dreaming.

  4. maybe its just your mind thinking that when u were in jr high maybe if you took a different path in life at that skool u would have wound up with him instead of doing something else.maybe u could go and find him and explain to him these wierd dreams but chances are you wont find him and ull just have to live knowing u really should of been his its just ur minds way of sayin ur worked up at   taking time to remember things at jr guessing u had a gr8 time there im 13 right now and i have loads of crushes.chances are wen im 30 ill have dreams bout my crushes or in ur case uncrushes lol gd luck

  5. Perhaps HE likes you, or you need to see him. Maybe something happened to him. You should look him up on or something like that, try to contact him and ask him how things are going and tell him you've been thinking of him a lot lately, and just wondered what was up.

  6. wow that is interesting! I'm not very good at interpreting dreams but I'm sure if you google this you with get some very educated answers! =)

  7. lol don't tell me his name is Brad Pitt

  8. Maybe you have feelings for him but you don't know it. I know it sounds strange but just really think about it. And try not to think about him before you go to sleep. But on't try too hard not to think about him or else you will end up thinking about him.

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