
I have the same problem in firefox. Any solutions?

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Firefox "back" button returns to top of page with MyYahoo beta after clicking on a link?

When I click on a link with the new MyYahoo beta and then return with the browser back button to the MyYahoo page, I am returned to the top of the page. In the past with the old MyYahoo (and nearly every other page on the web), when I click on the back button, I am returned to page as I was looking at it before clicking on the link.

This is annoying when I click on a link beyond the first screen on my MyYahoo page, since I need to scroll back down to where I launched my page. I am using firefox to view the page.




  1. Please upgrade the version of your web browser and remove the unwanted add-ons, if the problem persists then re install and download the new web browser, it won’t cost you anything. Well i am sure your problem would be resolved after successful update

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