
I have the second pick in the fantasy draft. Who would you pick if LT is the #1 pick (again!)?

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I am thinking AP, but I am concerned about his injuries.




  1. Tom Brady because he's going to have another huge year. He'll probably get more fantasy points than  LT, again!

  2. Purple Jesus!

  3. I would pick Adrian peterson because he's a elusive back with good moves.

  4. AP or Tony Romo !!

  5. You almost have to take AP, even with his injury history. Just make sure you get C.Taylor in case he goes down. Taylor will fill in nicely if AP is injured. He won't give you AP's stats, but he would be a good starter. Should be able to get Taylor 6th rd or later for sure. Probably 8th rd.

  6. Hi wincati,

    Don't be fooled by the hype surrounding AP.  Look at all RB stats objectively and when you do so you should see that Westbrook is the better pick in the 2008 draft.  

    I currently have AP slotted at #3 among all RBs. Peterson has a couple things working against him:

    1. His numbers are inflated based on 2 huge games which (I believe) were anomalies in the NFL.  Sure he'll have some huge runs in 2008, but if you want CONSISTENT production Westbrook is much better.

    2. He loses significant carries to Chester Taylor (around 147 last year, I believe). It hard to be elite when you're losing that many carries.  As a comparison, Westbrook only lost 62 carries to Buckhalter (less than half as many).  

    Like I said I actually have Westbrook ahead of AP in my rankings, but have AP ranked at #3 on the chance the he is awarded more carries this year. Most people are hyping AP because of the sensation value. He was a rookie who out-performed many veterans, had some record-breaking games, and is a good-looking kid playing behind a great offensive line. However, I think its mostly hype and I definitely wouldn't pick him before LT or Westbrook.

    If you want to see my full RB rankings, check out the link in my source list. On my site you can also create your own RB rankings using drag and drop on an interactive, web-based cheat sheet, then generate a printable cheat sheet to take to your fantasy draft. It's free.

  7. I would take westbrook, especially if its a ppr league. he gets alot of catches and lots of total yds. Another guy who will rebound nicely is Steven Jackson, with Bulger healthy watch out for that offense.

  8. The safe pick is B.Westbrook.

    Higher risk/higher reward would be Adrian Peterson (Minn.)

    ~G{}{}d Luck!~

  9. I would go with Adrian Peterson.  He is young, explosive, and runs behind a very, very good offensive line.  While Peterson had problems with injuries in college, he did not carry that trend to the NFL thus far.  As for Westbrook, he is a model for injuries.  While he is an explosive player and dual run-catch threat out of hte backfield, he always misses time due to injury.  Last year was one of his most "healthy" years in the league.  Here's saying the law of averages kicks in and he misses time again this year.

  10. jones-drew(jags)

  11. My dad had the second pick in our draft and took Westbrook - I'd advise you to do the same.

  12. i would be more concerned with tarvis jackson as the QB.  Last 3 games of the season AP was shut down because other teams loaded the box with 8 or 9 people.  If tarvis doesn't improve look for the same situation.  I would look hard at westbrook or addai.  Both are studs year in and year out.

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