
I have the solution for our automotive/oil crisis and high gas prices.?

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The solution is based on economics. We currently have the technology to make cars run on electrcity, water air etc..

This technology works good enough for freeway transportation.

Meaning the cars could go 150 mph. The solution is so simple we need a private investor like bill gates to create a car company of his own and sell the cars at zero profit and consequently provide the customer an opportunity to buy this automobile for

insanly cheap.

We need to monopolize the automotive industrty and the oil market who wouldnt buy a great car truck or minivan for 12,000 dollars brand new? This would work the other car company's would have no other choice to conform or go out of buisness simple as that!




  1. For me personally, if I could find a car, that would do as you say, and I could afford it, I would buy it in a moment.

  2. The technology has been around for cars that can run without gas, but you have the government and car industry buying the patents so they can't be made. I can remember years ago when they I heard that Shell was going to have to raise prices due to the price of oil. What I thought was interesting was that weeks before that they had record profits in the billions. This is going to continue until something drastic happens. The cost of food is skyrocketing. When people get hot, hungry, homeless and unable to work, there's generally a revolution. It's hard to imagine that it will happen here, but it will. One day the youth of America will start attacking the government. This has happened before, we'll see it here in time.

  3. STRIKE!!!!! ok i love this stuff.. how bout this my wife has went on and on with this idea so pass this on to your friends and relatives. we should just not drive for 1 day and ride our bikes, skates, skateboards, or whatever you have to work or school. s***w the buses just dont drive for one day and watch the news that nite to see the reaction. the oil companies will throw a fit because theyre not getting their regular flow of about $1.5 billion or so dollars for that one day and maybe they'll let up on the price/gallon for a while. WE have the control not THEM!!!!! we control their paychecks with our wallets. sit on that for a while and let it churn in ur heads lol. haahahahahahahaha

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