
I have the strangest urge?

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I have the strangest urge?

hey i'm 16 and i have the strangest urge to be caught masturbating by a stranger, another boy my age (or a few years older). i don't know why i want to do this, i guess for the sensation of being watched by somebody like me. am i g*y? is it okay if i do it? how can i safely get caught by another young guy who i don't know?




  1. To answer your g*y question, its only if you are emotionally attracted to a guy.

    For the being caught thing, i agree with the guy who said you want to be involved in mutual masturbation. I know of people who have done this. To me, I could care less if I did it. If I was offered, and I was horny, then sure why not. As long as it stays straight. Anyways, if you want to, look up some stories about it online. If this appeals to you, then that's what you're aiming for. Your best bet is to do it with a friend. But don't ask straight forward, start a conversation and casually bring up the idea of p**n, or anyting sexual. and let that lead on into what you're looking for.

    hope this helps.

  2. it dosent mean your g*y it means you have a problem and yes thats weird  

  3. No this means you are an exhibitionist, which is illegal. Otherwise known as flashers, exhibitionists get sexual gratification by exposing themselves in sexual situations to strangers.

  4. Are you attracted to boys? If not, you aren't g*y. That is the only criteria. Also, I don't think it's a good idea, because I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

  5. do it in the shower after gym class

  6. Terry, he's 16. Don't be rude.

    I (and others that I know now) felt the same way back then...

    It's the suspense.

  7. You probably want to mutual m********e, which means m********e with a friend.

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