
I have the weirdest feeling??

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Okaii....well nothing is going on right now

And nothing is happening tommorrow

but i have this weird anxious-like feeling

i dont know what it is and wish it would go away??

What do you think it is?




  1. You may just be bored and want the day to hurry up.

  2. um actually  its just nervous that's  all for my opinion  you are welcome.

  3. lol I just saw DavMaster make another stupid comment!

    Try to get some sleep and hopefully it goes away by morning.

    Not sleeping can cause stress in your body.

  4. maybe someone is thinking about you and they have a crush on you

    the 6th sense is a real feeling davmaster is right u know

    u could be becoming a empathic

    feeling what others are feeling

  5. i dont really now why u have a weirdest feeling are u going to see ur bf is it the first day of school or are u just bored and wanting to do something so thats why u got the feeling i dont now  

  6. Maybe you are not feeling well

  7. You are developing a sixth sense. Focus on these feelings and you will likely be able to tell the future.

  8. i get that feeling sometimes. i wish i knew what it was.

  9. Anxiety? I have an an anxiety disorder and it feels like that a lot. It's like there's nothing to be scared of, but everything seems sinister and you can't relax.  

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