
I have the wildest dreams, can anyone interpret them?

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My dreams are "out there", it's like when I dream it's NOTHING like or even at least a mediocre representation of real life. My dreams mainly have a theme based on things very deep in my self conscience, such as a past residence, things that make absolutely no sense whatsoever, my current school, past schools, and a lot of STRANGE things. Can anyone tell me why my dreams are so far off from reality?




  1. ...AHHHH, dreams dont have meanings, they are thoughts that you have wile you are sleeping, that get converted to a image in deep sleep. u walk down the street, and you know how u just randomly right there and then remeber something like....a basketball in your old random but it happens...same thing.....and dreams are a excape of reality into a world of anything

  2. when you dream it is usually your mind trying to either figure out or sort out problems that you have in your life or during that day so your dreams could just be your mind trying to figure out what happened...or it could be that you had something happen and your mind is trying to help you figure out a solution to it and it could just happen in a wild way...your dreams are so far from reality because it is your mind trying to help you relax while you sleep and your mind is just trying to take you away from your real life and try to help you relax or fix problems...hope i helped...good can e-mail me if you need any other help with your dreams...

  3. It's basically just your brain misfiring and random thoughts and images popping up.  They don't actually mean anything.

  4. That's normal, it happens to me and alot of people i know

  5. i can totally relate to you, and i wonder the same thing. i have the weirdest dreams ever that make absolutely NO sense. and i'm not kidding. i tell people my dreams and their like WTF? lol i don't know. maybe its cause we have big imaginations (;

  6. Your dreams may not be so far off YOUR reality. Start a dream diary Keep it beside your bed and write them down as soon as you wake up no matter what time it is. After about a week or so re read them and  look for a theme running through them Your sub conscious is talking to you

  7. Urg, it makes me mad when people say dreams have no meanings. : / There are a lot of great sites out there that help you interpret them.

    But I know what you mean by weird dreams and stuff, I have those and my old therepist interpreted them for me and it turns out they all did really have a meaning. You just don't think it would ever be that.

  8. it happens that you dream things that seem totally out of they way. Subconsciously, you may be thinking them-maybe. Not all of them will mean something. Also, if it's the last thing on your mind or u keep thinking of it, you may dream it.

  9. aDreams are supposed to be crazy

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