
I have the worse freakin toothache ever.. i cant see the dentist til monday morning .?

by  |  earlier

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the pain is going to the back of my head and ear.. ive taken ibrofuen and tylenol and they are not working. so i brought some bc powder. do you think this will help and what else should i do to take the pain away




  1. look for something with benzocaine in it.. I think the most you can get is 20%.. if you live wher ther are "Dollar Stores".. they have a product called  "Dr. Sheffields" toothache med.  it has the most benzocaine and it cost only a couple of dollars.. campo phenique is also good but don't suallow it.. or try rubbing a raw asprin on it.. if ya got the insurance go to the ER.. BUT if there is any swelling.. you have to go to the ER it will get infected and get in your blood.... and that is life threatening!

  2. Take a shot of hard alcohol.. something very strong and hold it over the tooth for as long as you can stand it.  It has helped me in the past, because if you have a toothache, you have an infection.  It does not take all the pain away, but it definately helps.  Starting a round of antibiotics will help, too.  Check into one of those 24 hour pain clinics that are in all the strip malls now.

    Er can give you some pain killers, but so can one of those 24 hour clinics without the high price tag.  Just to get you through till Monday.

  3. Sounds horrible.  yeh go to the ER as suggested.  If you are taking over the counter medicine and they aren't relieving any pain,  then I would class it worthy of going to the hospital.

    Have you tried  rubbing Ambesol on the gums.  Also clove oil is good for toothache.  You can usually get it from health food stores.

    I hope you get relief soon.  

  4. There are creams and gels you can buy over the counter at the pharmacy such as Orajel that will numb the tooth. They aren't too expensive, in my experience.

    Another remedy is clove oil, or whole cloves themselves placed on the tooth.

  5. The best treatment is clove oil ... find it at any GNC and dab a bit on a cotton swab and apply to the tooth ... it'll get you thru the night - guaranteed!

  6. try clove oil. Dip a cotton pellet in clove oil & insert it into the cavity. It will burn the pain away.

  7. well, maybe my suggestion is drastic but if it's soooo horrible try the ER because sometimes they have a dentist on call or just call the dentist office number and the recording will tell you what to do if you have a "dental emergency". I mean, I guess it could be an emergency if your tooth is rotting and it causes pain and you probably can't sleep and you would need to work in the morning. I am not sure what bc powder is. But, also try ice, just keep it on though in 30 minute intervals to avoid ice burn

    good luck

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