
I have these brown spot in my eyes, what is it?

by  |  earlier

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I have these light brown spots in the white part of my eyes. In my left eye, its like the size of a thick sharpie tip (I couldn't think of anything else to compare it to lol), and in my right eye, it's very tiny and in the corner, so it doesn't bother me.

I wasn't born with it, but it showed up later in middle school or something. I can't feel it and it doesn't affect my vision, it's just there.

And it's ugly and I hate it. Anybody know what it is? And if I can remove it???




  1. Go to the eye hole doctor for an exam.  Ask him all your questions

  2. Visit an opthamologist soon, if this is a new development.  Suggest you go anyway even if you have seen it since childhood.  New? wash your hands before handling children or touching people.

  3. it could just be a pigment spot, similar to a freckle you might get on your skin elsewhere.  additionally it may be a remnant of a scar which can happen sometimes as well, i don't think it's anything to go crazy about.  but taking medical advice off the internet probably isn't the best idea, just ask your eye doctor about it next time you're in for your routine visit.

  4. I'd see an eye doctor about that.

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