
I have these bumps on....?

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I have these little bumps there real small all over my toes near the base of my nail, and the sides of my nail on each toe they don’t hurt, itch… nothing really like there not even there, I used my finger nail to scratch some open and water came out, or a clear substance, and there skin colored. I got more over a period of time. I don’t think there warts because I have had warts before, plenty, and they look like them sort of but I just can tell there not I don’t know what they are? I have bought a new pair of Ugg boots recently and wear them all the time even in hot weather. I have been using a new moisturizer "Suave firming", but I don’t put it on my feet when I apply a layer after my shower. I don’t know what they could be or what started them.




  1. see a doctor, it sounds pretty gross.

  2. It sounds to me that your toes are sweating so much in your boots that they are blistering. Sometimes when sweat gathers or collects in one area and then has no where to be released (breathe) it causes the skin to bubble with irritation. They may not hurt but they are a type of foot fungus from your feet not being able to breath.

    Buy some Gold Bond athlete's foot powder and put it in your boots  or socks (whichever touches your foot). Remember to repeat it every time you put your feet in  those boots. Keep this up until the fungus subsides.  

  3. Hey!  This might sound disgusting but i've read about these little bumps.  It sounds as though you have nail rot caused by a small fungus similar to the one that causes athletes foot.  It is caused by not airing your feet and a build up of moisture (ideal for this sort of infection to thrive in, especially if you wear ugg boots a lot of the time, the dark, damp environment is perfect), especially during hot weather.  I would stop wearing your ugg boots for a while and let your feet breath.  Also don't use any moisturising, instead go to your chemist and tell them about this.  They will be able to give you a cream that is very effective and works very fast.  I wish you all the best!

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