
I have these dreams where..?

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I can feel that my eyes are closed but I see the room I am in as if they are opened... my dreams have better taste than me though. and cleaner. is this weird or does this happen to other people?




  1. i had some rather good ones when i gave up the smokey smokey, lol, i dreamt about dreaming to, well waking up from a dream (in my dream) i can remember.

    your dream isn't that weird tho m8

  2. hmmmmmmmmmm. ive had weirder dreams. this one isnt weird, but i once dreamt about dreaming. i know, useless dream.

  3. I actually once had a dream like that. I saw someone walk into the room then I woke up, opened my eyes, and saw exactly what I dreamed (except I don't think the person was there). It was weird but I expect that it is relatively normal.

    Oh and sometimes I dream I wake up but I'm still dreaming...

    I haven't felt any shockwaves, but sometimes when I'm falling asleep everything seems extremely loud then I wake up. Maybe that's somehow related?

  4. Actually sounds like a bit of astral projection/out-of-body experience. Or maybe your mind just hadn't been inspired to wander anywhere else yet.

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