
I have these jellybeans that expired 3 months ago, if I eat them will I die?

by  |  earlier

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  1. no they might just be hard

  2. eat them them let us know even if you die

  3. Yes...from stupidity. jellybeans are pretty much just sugar, which takes years to spoil. If however the pack was open and there were ants and cockroaches crawling all over them then I probably wouldnt eat them.

  4. No way - 3 month ain't nothin' - Im the king of eating expired/outdated foods. I wouldn't even think twice about an expiration date on jelly beans. Hey - as Andrew Zimmer says:

    'If it looks good, eat it'!

  5. Mustard.

  6. I wouldnt advise it, but no you wont die lol.

  7. I serisouly doubt it, but if you do die, let me know and remember, I never told you to eat them! =)

  8. I think the expiration date is the sell by date so they will probably be fine.

  9. ahaha, lol

    oh, wait, you were serious, but i highly doubt it

  10. if they dont have unknown stuff growin on them go ahead :)

  11. you could get sick! How hungry are u?:S

  12. yes! oh god don't eat them, please. think of the children!!!!

  13. You'll not die from eating the expired jellybeans but may suffer from food poisoning.

  14. unfortunately, you couldn't be that lucky.....

  15. no way! you might get food poisoning?

  16. no....they probably just taste bad!

  17. no, they will just taste kinda nasty

  18. throw em out the window and dont worry abotu it

    it doesnt really matter if they expired toss em

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