
I have these little bumps on the underside of my p***s. is that normal?

by Guest60474  |  earlier

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now i have researched and found that they are not genital warts or any sort of an std




  1. that's not much of a description but I really don't want to know more. You should have them on your uderside but they shouldn't be as littel as warts or smaller- that wouldn't be normal. Some people actually grow hair there so you shuld see little bums shorter than warts normally there with hair growing from them. Some people have bumps that grow if they go into unhealthy masturbation (can't prove this true) or just normally grow it. It shouldn't be worried about unless it looks unhealthy-not weird- there's a difference. Try doing a little more research.

  2. Fordyce spots, I have them too. Alot of people have them especially men.

  3. heh... i asked the same EXACT question yesterday. They're hair follicles. i know you may say they are not because they look different from the ones on your s*****m but thats because the skin on your p***s is.

    Don't worry  ;)

  4. i have that too, don't worry everyone has it

  5. I would suggest you do the following for a week and if it does not clear up then see a dr but i think it will..

    Scrub the underside of youre p***s really welll with a mild soap then dry it very well.. Afterwards apply Hydrocortisone cream twice a day and calomine lotion once a day for one week ... it should clear it up if not see a dr but i doubt you will need to .

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