
I have these little insects/bugs on my chive plant

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I have these little insects on my chive plant, from the root to about 3 inches up. They cover the 'leaves'.

What are they and how can I treat them?




  1. Fill a sprayer with warm water and a little washing up liquid, all bugs hate this, and it won't do your plant any harm.

  2. First time I've heard it called that.

  3. Aphids – greenfly and black fly – are one of the most instantly recognisable of garden pests all-too-commonly seen infesting the delicate tips, flower buds and young leaves of a wide variety of plants, especially in early summer. When present in large numbers, these sap-sucking insects are capable of causing seriously stunted growth and some kinds can also transmit disease from plant to plant as they feed.

    Fortunately, however, there are many ways to get rid of them, ranging from natural, organic methods through the well-known trick of spraying with soapy water – not exactly “chemical-free” but often effective – to a number of very successful insecticides.

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