
I have these symptoms....What is it???

by  |  earlier

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Hi. I'm a 59 yr old male and have strange things going on with me that just stay and in fact have gotten a bit worse as time goes on. I'm in good shape, not over weight. I do smoke about10 cigs. a day. What I experience is head pressure. Not really a head ache but more like pressure in certain parts on my head. This pressure does shift around to different parts of the head. This is like a constant thing. It has been going on for about a year now. It's not really painful but just pressure.

Plus I have reduced energy. Don't feel as much energy as I had years ago.

I need to sleep a lot more to feel rested. I used to sleep 7 1/2 to 8 hrs to feel good. Now I need more like 9 to 10 hours to feel rested. If I don't get enough rest this pressure in my head is worse. I also get dizzy if I stand up. This only happens sometimes but does occur. I will also turn on cold sweats. I feel hot and will sweat. I feel drained and have a lack of energy. I also get sharp brief pains in mychest.





    I IZ SRRY :(

  2. It´s better you go to a doctor

  3. See a doctor. It's the closest thing you will be able to get to receiving the correct diagnosis.

  4. Trying to diagnose a potentially serious or even lethal health condition over the internet is pretty dangerous. I suggest you go seek a doctor in person.

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