
I have these weird bumps near the opening of my...?

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v****a. Sometimes it burns or itches when I pee because my pee touches the bumps. They are two bumps, one on each side of the v****a opening. They sometimes are bleeding very little. I have never had s*x or any sexual experience. They are like raised bumps and aren't very big. They are kind of wrinkly. Does anyone have any idea about what it can be?




  1. Go see the Doctor,you may get some good advice, but lots of the boys will have a field day saying stupid things,  good luck.

  2. Herpes maybe..

  3. sounds to me like you have a yest infection but you can never be sure, id go to your doctor or parent  

  4. I am a CCMA

    Just because you have never had s*x or sexual contact does NOT mean that you can not have an STD... There are STD"S that you can be a carrier of and not even know it until you get an out break..

    IMO is sounds like herpes/ genital warts HPV

    You should see a GYNO

  5. it could be genital warts

  6. who knows, probably nothing major, just tell your mom and ask her to call a nurse and ask her, or go to the doctor. Sometimes if you call the doctors office you go to you an have your mom tell the nurse whats wrong, and if you need to come in. If you cant reach a nurse then jut go to the doctors. Dont pannick, just get it checked out!

  7. Any chance you shave that area? could be a result of that. Otherwise, have your doctor check this out. It doesn't sound normal.

  8. Sometimes that is something that can be natural. If you've ever shaved it could be from that, or even from rubbing toilet paper too hard. It could even be a pimple. If it doesn't go away or gets worse, see your doctor.

  9. If you're being honest with not having any sexual experiences, it's nothing you really have worry about.  Go to the doctor and find what exactly is wrong.  Possible chances are, shaving could've caused irritation, the type of panties you wear, the type of soap you use to clean yourself, public bathrooms, etc.  

    Don't panic, just go to the doctor.

  10. Sounds like a yeast infection or could be more severe. I would recommend going to the doctor to get a pill to clear it up OR you could try buying creme at the drugstore that you insert inside of your v****a.


    Ignore the idiots that are telling you you have AIDS and Herpes. Their sexually transmitted diseases and if they read your question, its obvious its impossible for you to have either two.

  11. welll if u really havent had any sexual experiences than you dont have to worry so much, maybe its some kind of an infection! go to a doctor they can give you some antibiotics or whatever u need to fix the problem..or maybe your using dull razors and need a new one cuz its giving you razor bumps

  12. If you shave they could be hair bumps..def get it checked out..

  13. It could be a boil.  Type boil on v****a in your search engine. Theres ton of info.

  14. thats actually natural cause ur going through a chage  

  15. It could be a yeast infection or any other type of infection, its very common to get an infection in that area at least once. Also if you shave down there it could be razor burn, go to your doctor or by a v****a screening kit from walmart.

  16. I think its just pimples. You should see a dermatologist. In the meantime, go to your pharmacy (CVS or walgreens) and tell this your sympotms. They might recommend a good anticeptic soap that you can use externally once a day in the evening. You might want to use Summer's Eve once a day in the morning. I don't think so, but it might be a fungus, but, again, go to a dermatologist.

  17. if your young than tell your parents.

    and if your an adult get a ointment cream or something

  18. That is something you should be asking your OBGYN. SERIOSLY.

  19. No i dont, I'm sorry. (do bugs get down there EVER?) Ask a doctor, or the school nurse maybe? I dont blame your if your embarressed to do that, but i think if you are, ask one of your friends that you wont be to embarressed to tell, ask them what to do.

  20. Infected hair follicles.

    Goes away on their own.

  21. Christy, sorry, I can't even make a guess what your little bumps could be, but I do want to warn you NOT to try to medicate yourself with anything, as some people have suggested.  If you try medicine that is wrong for what these 'bumps' are it might make it worse.  You have gotten some good advice from those who said talk to your mom and let her know this is irritating you.  Ask her to make you a doctor's appointment.  It will just continue to worry you until you find out what it is, so just get it over with and go to see your family doc or gyn.  Don't be embarrassed.  I used to work for a doctor and they see these kinds of things (and much worse) all the time.  Hope it gets cleared up soon.

  22. definitely go to a doctor  

  23. ask ur mom, and ask her if there is someting that is like a family disease.-idk and maybe ur about to have ur period?...

  24. Sounds like you may be being a bit rough with the toilet paper or using a cheap harsh brand. Thats what is causing the itching and burning. Instead of wiping try dabbing lightly. It's probably part of your labia minora so I wouldn't worry.  

  25. Sounds like a irritated hair pore...From jeans..dye..sitting..Keep area clean and dry..after shower place white vinegar on bumps...they will soon clear up

  26. could be ingrown hairs from regular shaving that are irritated, or could be some irritation from sweating and wearing jeans that are too tight , possibly even a boil which is a pimple under the skin.. place a hot wet face cloth for a while and hopefully it draws out the flare up..

  27. they could be himmroids, which would be rare, or the are most likely boils, which you can just see a doctor for and can be taken care of easily

  28. Do you shave that area? If so the same thing happened with me, I was very stressed @ first but the doctor told me they were razor burn marks from not using shaving gel. If not then get to a doctor ASAP, just because you dont have sexual intercourse doesnt mean you cant have an STD. they can come from public toliets..

  29. Possibly razor bumps if you shave down there, if not, talk to your gyno it could be serious...

  30. It could be an infection. Or, it could be HPV (genital warts), or even genital herpes. Maybe you inherited the disease from your parents (the mother can pass it on to her babies if she has it). It could even be acne (you can get it almost anywhere). There are many, many possibilities, but you should really go see a doctor. This could be serious, and if it is an infection and isn't treated you could end up infertile.

  31. sweetie you without a doubt have some sort of std. seek medical treatment asap

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