
I have these weird bumps on my butt?

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i have these weird bumps on my butt?

like they start out like pimples but don't have a white head, and then they hurt, and overtime the bump disappears but the spot becomes a really dark purple, how do i get rid of this?




  1. You posted in the right section. Men stay healthy by diagnosing womens's butts, hence "Men's Health."

    However, there are some female girl-butt experts here too, as witnessed in the above answers.

    So you did good.

  2. I agree with woman2, however, I'd suggest video footage instead. Good luck!

  3. Just skin and epidermis reactions.  Happens a lot.  Could be the foods you eat.  Eventually, your butt will be just fine again.  The fact that you bruise easily could also be attributed to other things not related to the bump, like your blood vessel network.  But as far as I know, and I'm no doctor, I think good vitamin levels and a change in diet might help.  Alcohol rubs couldn't hurt either.

  4. can you post some pics please?

  5. I agree with the 2 aforementioned answers. Pics and or video is necessary for a correct diagnosis. Butt, off the top of my head, I'd say you have clogged pores from not having a shiny (hiney). Loofah that money maker.

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