
I have these weird spots on my skin they look like acne spots but i doubt they are?

by  |  earlier

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i have these weird spots on my skin, two on each leg and three on one of my arms they look like a cross between acne spots and a bite, there not itchy or sore that's the bit that's worrying me and it doesn't seem important enough to go to the doctor with anyone got any ideas of what it could be?

any help will be appreciated as i freak out when it comes to stuff like this and always think the worst




  1. they could and are most likely either moles or freckles

  2. Are they really small? I sometimes get very small painless spots on my inner thighs - usually when I have sweated a lot. They are painless and have a white head. Harmless.

    But if this is not the case, then I suggest you consult your GP just to be on the safe side. x

  3. It Could Be A Heat Rash Maybe?..

  4. use eloe viera plants the best medicine ever

  5. Likely a bug bite - were you outside?

    Keep an eye on them most bites itch at some point - ? I agree that them not itching is reason to ask.

    Did you try a new food or feel stress or a new soap?

    Hives can resemble a bite mark -

    or a simple rash from a new soap...

    If it's chicken pox your spots will multiply -

    Just keep an eye on them and if they do get worse that is a reason to call the MD -

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