
I have this cat and her newborn kittens I am fostering, one of the kittens has her eye closed and I noticed ?

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there is like clear gunk in it, is there anything I can do natural to try to help her? or does she need to see a vet?




  1. Sounds like matted kitten eye/eye infection. It's pretty common, this site has tips that tell you how you can help, using tea bags.

    If it gets super big and ugly, take her to the vet.

  2. Use your finger and peel the gunky stuff off.  Most kittens get this, it is just an eye infection.  Go to the vet, they will give you meds to put on the kittens eye and if you don't go it will spread to the other kittens and get worse, but go soon so it disappears fast!  Once you start putting the meds on it goes away super quickly!

  3. She probably needs to see a vet. I'm sure you know not to try and open the eyes. Don't listen if anyone tells you to use any kind of acid to clean them (I have heard this a lot and it can blind the kittens). You could always call the vet and ask the receptionist, she will tell you what to do without bringing her in. You can use polysporin eye drops on cats, just a couple drops on the outside of the eye (obviously they aren't opened yet) to help with any infection in the mean time. Many vets use just this. These eye infections in kittens can lead to blindness however so I hope you are able to speak with the vet.

  4. it just because there newborn, newborn kittens are born with there eyes shut and they are fully open at at least a month and the gunk in her eyes just take a lukewarm washcloth and dab it on her eyes she may squeek a bit but she will get over it and that gets the gunk out

    have fun with your kitten

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